An Iowa landowner has compiled a list of links that they found useful in learning about carbon capture pipelines.
Pipeline Safety Trust promotes pipeline safety through education and advocacy, by increasing access to information, and by building partnerships with residents, safety advocates, government, and industry, that result in safer communities and a healthier environment. Their publication, Local Government Guide to Pipelines is especially useful.
The Iowa Easement Team works to educate landowners and to support organizing those who are opposed to eminent domain for private gain.
Bold Nebraska is a citizen group that works to protect property rights and land and water resources.
The Pipeline Fighters Hub provides technical, legal, storytelling and organizing assistance to any community fighting pipelines and other fossil fuel infrastructure, with the goal of protecting the land and water. Also found here is the daily newsletter Extracted featuring energy, climate, and environmental news clips.
Food and Water Watch supports action for sustainable food, clean water and a livable climate for everyone. It works to protect people from corporations and other destructive economic interests that put profit ahead of everything else.
A Montgomery Co. Iowa resident put together this informative powerpoint to help citizens new to the pipeline issue learn more.
Basic information on the Summit Midwest Carbon Express Company from 2022. Includes videos and written information.
Water Woes: Uncovering the True Cost of Summit's Carbon Capture Project.
Shelby County supervisor Steve Kenkel’s interview on “The Iowa Podcast” on Oct. 16, 2024 offers an excellent overview of the issues associated with the carbon dioxide pipeline.
Webinar: Pipeline fighters Hub Briefing: Carbon Capture & CO2 Pipelines.
Webinar: Attorney Paul Blackburn explains the basics of CO2 pipelines for newly impacted landowners starting at minute 8:22.
Webinar: State & county government do have legal authority to regulate carbon dioxide pipelines, despite what pipeline companies might want you to believe.
Webinar: Pipeline Safety Trust 2023 Conference, “Siting vs. Safety A False Dichotomy.”
Webinar: CO2 Injection Well Safety and Health Concerns.